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My first internship! (Dressmaking, beading, alterations and more)

Share on Tumblr Okay ladies and Gents its been a while but I'm finally back! These past few months have honestly been so hectic. There's been ups and downs and hardly anytime for fun; but in the midst of figuring everything out for college, housing etc, taking classes and working part time I've managed to find myself a truly amazing internship on my own! In the past month, I've already learned so much and I'm very excited to share with you all what I'm working on, where I've been, who I've met and everything in between during this experience.

Sewing cat sews! *so cute*

So Tay what does the internship consist of? 
     Basically right now I'm working with an amazing experienced Dressmaker/Seamstress named Michelle Nnolum. Michelle has recently opened up a storefront called Sew Pretty Studio, in Haddonfield New Jersey where she does alterations, designs and constructs custom made gowns/ wedding dresses and is now teaching classes for sewing. And although the store is new, Michelle has worked in the industry and been affiliated with different stores like Macy's and Saks 5th avenue for over 20 years! While working with Michelle I'll be working on alterations, bead work, lace applique, constructing garments, cutting out patterns (basically anything and everything she needs help with lol) etc.  

Lets go back in time to the beginning of the summer. After being less than fulfilled at my artistic and design oriented deli job at Wawa (sarcasm heavily included); I decided it was time for me to start looking for potential internship opportunities during the summer. Of course I stayed involved in fashion and costume design while I was out of school; looking for the right college to transfer into, and I kept myself busy with different personal projects (this blog included), designing different costumes,and making collages.  I was confident in my drawing skills but in my sewing abilities...ehhh not so much. Sure I looked up videos on you-tube and bought books on sewing ("Sewing for dummies" anyone?), but who can beat real life experience! 

l wanted to do more.I wanted to learn about my craft and learn how to do it right! But most of all;I didn't want to be alone anymore.

I wanted to be around people who were passionate about the same things I was; who was actually making a successful living in an industry where that's one in a million. To meet new people and be inspired!

How did you get it? 
       When I say obtaining this internship was one of the least difficult things I've ever done, I really do mean it! It was as simple as asking a question, being at the right place in the right time and pursuing it. Lets be honest, the thought of doing an internship can be really scary especially if your trying to find it on your own without the help of your school or career services. When looking at a bunch of internship websites I felt so intimidated! I wanted the internship because I wanted to learn but it seemed like the ones that were listed catered to people who graduated, or already had a bunch of experience! I knew I needed to try another avenue.

A close friend of mine (check out her blog here actually got her internship by going to a company that never interned students before but created an internship position for her after she expressed her desire to intern there. Her story inspired me to do the same and I could only think of one place that I really connected to.I loved my senior prom dress so much, and the alterations done on it made it fit perfectly and made me feel like a goddess. 

I knew I wanted my internship to come from Jans boutique.

The first thing I did was call Jans Boutique where I was informed that the store contracted out their seamstresses (which basically means that they work with the seamstresses rather than the seamstresses working for them). They encouraged me to come into the store to talk the seamstresses. 

Now this is where being at the right place in the right time kind of came in handy. When I got to the store; I explained my interest in and internship with one of the seamstresses and why I was there. At first, the woman at the front of the store seemed confused and said that she didn't really know if any of the seamstresses did internships. She was really nice but I of course was disappointed. At that point, another associate happened to come up to the front of the store to hang up a dress; her name was Charron and she also happened to  be Prom manager (which I didn't know at the time). She heard some of our conversation and instantly mentioned Michelle. She told me that Michelle was really the only one that did internships and had even hired some of them. She told me all about the different projects she had done and what she specialized in; she also gave me Michelle's card to contact her. To say the least I was very excited! 

I emailed Michelle explaining how I got her contact information, why I was emailing, my background with fashion and costume design and what I hoped to achieve and learn while interning with her. She emailed me back and we set up a time for us to meet at her house. Meeting Michelle was a treat! Even though it was technically an internship interview; I felt so comfortable and she was so easy to talk to. As soon as I walked downstairs into her work room which was filled with color, spools, mannequins and fashion/sewing books; I knew I would learn so much from her! She loved my art portfolio and told me all about her background and the different companies she worked for/how she got into sewing. It was so nice to talk to someone who was so passionate and and knew so much about alterations and dressmaking; and was also venturing out into new things with her store. I filled out paperwork, we discussed availability, and she invited me to attend a fashion show she was doing alterations for that following week (which I could luckily go to).

Ever since then I've been going to her store a couple times every week helping her with different garment making/alteration projects and also opening her store! Its only been a month and while I feel like I've learned a lot so far I know that we've only just begun to scratch the surface(especially when prom season hits!)

But I honestly can't wait and if your still with me; then be prepared to take this journey and learn with me as I go. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, and I know things will only get more difficult.

However, I'm up for the challenge, are you?

Thanks to all these fabulouse websites for supplying the gifs in this article


1920's Seductive Vampire Costumes: Inspired by The Vampire Diaries Television Show

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    As an aspiring Costume Designer I am often inspired by the things I see on television and in movies which inspire me to do little sketching projects on my own. This time I was inspired by a particular 1920's themed episode of the hit television show: The Vampire Diaries.

    It was season three episode twelve when the roarin' twenties came to Mystic Falls. In this episode "Do Not go Gentle", the gang gets dressed to the nines for the school's 1920s decade dance. 
And while the characters looked jovial and a little campy in their party tuxes and frocks; I couldn't help but wonder how these deadly and seductive vampires would have dressed had they actually been at an authentic jazz club during the 1920's instead of a themed high school function.

I was definitely inspired by the darkness and allure that comes with vampires especially with this show; I chose dark colors like black,dark turquoise, blood red and forest green to mirror that.

       I decided to implement the image of crosses in my designs due to the connection of vampires and Christianity. On this show and any others, crosses are ineffective on vampires so I decided to place crosses randomly in my design not to mock this idea but to show the boldness of the characters. Rebekah Mikaelson and Katerina/Katherine Petrova (the two characters I had in mind) do not try to hide who they are. They live their "un-dead" lives not by merely fitting in unnoticed, but lavishly in the lime light.

       Both Rebekah Mikaelson and Katherine Petrova are women who use their beauty and sensuality to their advantage; when they walk into a soiree you take notice! I wanted to capture that provocativeness in the clothing especially with the red velveteen mini dress. I choose the blood-red color and tantalizing cutouts to portray all this and evoke a feeling of confidence and desire right upon looking at the character.

I was also inspired by the animalistic nature of the vampires portrayed on the show so I decided to add different textures like leather, furs, and velveteen to the garments.


Thanks to this lovely website for helping me write this article; it has all the knowledge of everything Vamp Dies!


Trendy Tuesdays: Man Buns, the faux-hawks of the future?

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Hey guys! So just thought I'd do a short little post about a trend I see popping up more and more frequently among the fellas. So ladies and gents, without further adieu I give you MAN BUNS!

No, not those man buns; although these are just as good!

Lets start off with a brief history of another male hair trend known as the faux hawk. around spring 2009 David Beckham emerged with a new do in the form of a faux hawk; and it seemed men everywhere (and women alike) rejoiced after seeing Beckham’s shorter cleaner look, after years of longer, bohemian hair.

It didn't take long for the faux hawk trend to become an instant favorite, and despite some fashion magazines and blogs deeming the faux hawk as a trend that needs to end; the faux hawk is still going strong as a staple hair style among male celebrities today.
                                                                Headmaster  Zefron 
*if you don't get the reference click here*

Adam Levine
It was also a huge trend for female celebrities in 2013 and again it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.

   Miley Cyrus Y'all
Who says that androgyny cant go both ways? As the new year unfolds, women today are cutting off their long tresses while men are growing theirs.

I first noticed the trend emerging on television last year when I saw former Victorious star Avan Jogia donning the hairdo in his hit ABC Family show Twisted.
  why hello there! 
  *insert embarrassing flirty face*
Then I noticed this handsome superhero sporting the man bun more and more on red carpet events.

Sweet Perfection
     that's right you play with your ear you beautiful, beautiful man!

And then this happened at the Golden Globes this past Sunday cementing Man buns as an official trend for 2014,

Jared Leto looking like a smooth criminal at The Golden Globes 
Joaquin Phoenix keeping it classy! 
And Alex Ebert looking ummm...interesting.
Ok, no offense to Alex Ebert for going with the messy top knot but it's just not a look I particularly enjoy on men. He's not the only one to give it a try and most likely wont be the last; but I prefer my man buns on the lower side of the human head spectrum. Any ponytails/buns above ear placement on guys just makes me slightly uncomfortable. 

See, I think we can all agree I have a little crush on Avan Jogia based on the amount of times he pops up in my blogs but yeah, this hairstyle not really my personal fav. What do you guys think about top knots vs. man buns?

Noah Joakim with a topknot

Lets not forget the original gangster of man buns Orlando Bloom
Mysterious Man bun!
 Really bohemian topknot
Super Fashionable/Tan/Coffee Man Bun!

So what is it about this European hairstyle that makes us all swoon? I'm not sure but I sure am glad more and more men seem to be catching on!